Happy Everything, and Chips

Happy Everything, and Chips

Already, 2021 is busier than 2020 😋, so wish me luck and good health as I wander along new and old paths. And I wish the same to you.

Happy Everything, and Chips.

Thank you for your support. I will always wear it!

— 😎 Herman

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Blessings for health and safe travels! Also looking forward to our close encounter in Hendersonville, NC soon. It would be great to see you in S.C. too, maybe Newberry.

Nancy Burfield

Hi Peter! Thanks for your email. Looking forward to seeing you up here in NH and MA this year! Safe travels and good health. Sending lots of love! xxxx

Claire Casey

This nice to have I want to tell you are great to NOONTICS because you care Peter see you soon


Hello Peter,
I wish you always good health & happiness & safe travels, Hopefully sometime down the line we will get to see you in the UK🤞
Love Shona from Lennoxtown, Glasgow Xxx

Shona McCartney

Hi Peter,
Wishing you good health,happiness and safe travels. Hopefully to the UK sometime soon.😉 We miss you.
Love Beryl from Redcar x x

Beryl Ralston

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